Thursday, February 19, 2009

Back to School with Akali Phula Singh ji, again...

Well, technically I am decieving my readers with the title but I am going back to school, not my university though but my old high school. My sister invited me to introduce her music class to tabla. Her teacher loves tabla and probably had something to do with this as well. So here I am waking up the good old tabla muscles who were in hibernation for 2 years!
So what does Akali Phula Singh ji have to do with this? Well, it just so happens that I was painting another version of him. The old one reminded me too much of Baba Deep Singh, it did not have that nihang look, you know the one you'll see in wars, the one that says "Come any closer and chop I'll your God d*** head off!" hahaha. Well, I was able to show that look in this new piece. I used my Crysis Turbanhead to start me off on the basic pose, and then I worked from there. Maybe, I can continue to work o nthe old one as Baba Deep Singh ji...


Anonymous said...

good artwork but too much and an unhealthy emphasis on characters with beards and turbans, kinda like taliban meets batman, weird mixture of the fanatical meets the liberational, otherwise quite nice...

Bhagat Singh Bedi said...

thanks. Why do you say that the emphasis is unhealthy?

taliban are like opposite to sikhs. sikhs fought for human rights, which taliban fight against. THey want to impose the sharia law on everyone, which isn't exactly the western concept of humanity.

lol what exactly is taliban + batman?

john simmons said...

john2112 can u learn about Sikhs and their history before speaking rubbsh- they have been fighting those oppressors who tortured and raped the innocent people of india who didnt convert forcefully to the mughal brand of islam- they are Sikhs you moron- damn people like you give us a bad name in other countries and they say westerners are fanatical haters of any thing diff or looks like taliban- youre making us look like twats and ignorant christians- READ ABOUT IT U MORON

Anonymous said...

john 2................u have prolly had everything given to u, u aint fought 4 shit.. i'd like 2 see ur facial expression n wut u got oon u wen u know sumeone willl attak on ur village n family....